There's no news on the Nota-Bene-as-Xy5 project. Steve at Nota Bene said
he'd make one quick fix to the prototype, so we could decide whether or not
to put in more money. Then he apologized in April for further delays on
doing that.
NB is way, way behind on its plans to launch NB 13, and that's why we're on
the back burner.
I'm less to eager to proceed anyway, because it means more money and I've
had money wrung out of me for various things (home repairs, bad
investments). And my enthusiasm is dampened because I realize that NB-Xy5
would never be supported, or not in an decent manner (understandably: after
NB 13, there'll be NB 14, and . . .). But it needs a lot of support.
That's the non-update