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Re: How to install XyWin under otvdm


I think there must be something in your startup.int that makes it possible for XW to find its speller. I just experimented with installing XyWin on a Windows 3.11 setup (using my Win31DOSBox system), and the same problem occurred there. I added C:\XW to the path (I've been adding things to the path for three decades now), restarted, and, once again, XyWin couldn't find the speller until I changed the default directory to C:\XW.

Could you send me a copy of your XWSTART.INT file so that I can see what's different in your system and mine? I won't ask you to experiment with installing a new system, but now that I've seen that this same problem occurs in Windows 3.11 and with otvdm, it's clear that it's something real. I'll be curious to see what you've done. If I can figure it out, I'll add the information to my web page on otvdm. Thanks!
