Documentation says "XWUIF.UIF contains settings governing screen setup:
defines groups of buttons, associates bitmaps with buttons, and defines
format bars."
Seems scrambled: to load the file, use "BX LOAD...", to input BX
command, use PFUNC BX (= put function) from the command line.
"MW mx" means Windows function (= MW), parameter mx (= maximize screen),
I think this should be "MW mx BX LOAD C:\XW\XWUIF.UIFQ2 ;*;"
On the issue of startup directory and passing parameters:
I use a somewhat complex system for passing the directory information
into NB. I have a batch file that echoes the Xy command line needed for
changing the directory into a Xy RUN file which I run from the
STARTUP.INT as the last item. This way I end up with the desired
directory within NB while starting the program always from the
application folder. The same idea works for loading a certain file from
the DOS command line. There is a RUN file to load it at the bottom of
STARTUP.INT. This kind of indirect approach is not needed with Xy
EDITOR.EXE, it is valid for some NB versions.
Best regards,
Kari Eveli
LEXITEC Book Publishing (Finland)
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