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Re: A XyWrite for Windows installer


Thank you for the file! This seems quite straightforward.
Still, I am wondering about the role of PCLEXAM.DLL with XyWin. Does anyone have it?

Xy4 should have these instead (according to R. Holmgren):

"Here's my setup (XyWrite v4.014):

 EDITOR.EXE  (located in C:\XY4)
 PCLEXAM.DL0 (moved to  C:\XY4)
 PCLEXAM.DL1 (moved to  C:\XY4)
 PCLEXAM.DL2 (moved to  C:\XY4)
 PCLEXAM.DL3 (moved to  C:\XY4)
 US.DIC    (moved to  C:\XY4)

 DF LX=C:\XY4\  <<"

Are the PCLEXAM.DL? files available somewhere? I do not have them.
I have also a diffent set of spellers from Carl (.SPL), which seem to be Microlytics.
All this is a bit confusing, and would need better documentation and 
On the matter of XyWin, it is a transitional program and not really an 
option for real work. As a whole, I consider XyWin a beta. It has 
numerous bugs and other deficiences that contemporary DOS versions do 
not have.
Best regards,

Kari Eveli
LEXITEC Book Publishing (Finland)

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Paul Breeze wrote:
PS.  I have just used the help frame to download the files needed to run pclex.  They are attached.