One futher observation that might be useful. The font that controls the
text on the status bar and the path for XYWin in windows 7 64 bit is:
MS Sans Serif 8,10,12,14,18,24
found at:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts
The default for this under stand screen settings is SSERIFE.FON.
Changing this to SSERIFF.FON will increase the size of the font used in
XYWin. I have found the change useful. I imagine the settings are the
same in Windows 10 but if not search for SSERIFE or SSERIFF.
On 22/01/2020 20:19, Edward Mendelson wrote:
Paul's discovery is very helpful here; the same registry key is in
Windows 10 (though I haven't tested it). One very small footnote:
The fontname vga850.fon that Paul mentions will be the name in European
systems. In a North American system, the fontname will be vgaoem.fon.