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Re: OEDD not switching focus

Dear Carl

Thanks.  I have updated my versions.


On 25/01/2020 22:16, Carl Distefano wrote:
Reply to note from "Paul Breeze" Fri, 24 Jan 2020 17:50:15 +0000

A little more research has revealed that I do not have an up to
date version of OEDD.A3X in my XY4 file.

Paul, fyi, today I made a small change to OEDD.a3x. All it does is fix
a minor error-handling issue that is relevant mainly to the Windows
command-line version, OEDD.exe. There is no other change, nor any
change to the U2 frame OEDD. The latest files are here:


There's also a minor update to U2 and U2Extras that includes the above
