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Re: Revised installer for XyWin


Sure, I have further modified start.exe so that the command part is now optional - a new Windows command prompt will be opened if no command is provided. The options /MAX, /MIN, /HID can be used in this case too (e.g. "start.exe /max" will open a new Windows command prompt maximized). The help message will be shown when you run it with for example "start.exe /?". The new executable is still downloadable from:


And of course, start.exe can be freely used and distributed, just like my vDosPlus.


On Tuesday, January 28, 2020, 09:47:03 a.m. EST, Edward Mendelson <em36@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:


This is excellent work - thank you! Unfortunately, it doesn't work with
XyWrite for Windows' "Go to DOS"
menu item, because, if you run it with no parameter, it displays its
usage message instead of opening cmd.exe. Is there a way to modify it so
that it will run cmd.exe if there is no parameter, but display its usage
message if it is run with a parameter like /? or -?

That would make it work perfectly with XyWin's Go to DOS feature.