Dear Edward
I have found that something that I have been testing over the last
couple of days is causing problems with my system, probably by
corrupting a dll so that CMD.EXE will not run. I don't know what it
might be but I have returned to an older iteration with none of these
printing solutions loaded. If everything is stable of the next couple
of days then I may be able to return to testing, but for the moment I
However the answer to question 3 is yes.
On 30/01/2020 17:44, Edward Mendelson wrote:
Dear Paul,
1. Does my system print a file to your default Windows printer when the
output print file is set to something like: e:\temp\ ?
2. Does my system create an aribtrarily-named PDF on the Windows desktop
when you set the output file to something like: e:\temp\ ?
2. When you double-click on a PDF file in Windows, does it automatically
open in PDF-Xchange Viewer?
If the answer to all these questions is Yes, then could you try
temporarily setting the free Adobe Reader as your default PDF viewer
(the application that opens a PDF file if you double-click on the file)
and try the PDFTEMP.PS output file again?
If any answer is No, please send details.