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Re: Postscript printing to pdf in Windows


PrintFilePrinter already includes Ghostscript and does all that conversion for you. It's
designed to work this way:

Set your XyWrite printer driver to be a PostScript printer driver (which is what you seem to be
using anyway).

Edit the driver so that it outputs to E:\TEMP\PDFTEMP.PS

If there's anything there that tries to print to a GhostScript system, take it out.

With PrintFilePrinter active, simply print the file. After a few seconds, it will open in your PDF

I just tested this here the POST-HP4.PRN printer driver, and it worked perfectly.

Again the whole point of PrintFilePrinter is that you don't need your own GhostScript or
anything else. The program does all that for you. All you have to is select a printer driver and an
output filename, and you print.