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Re: Postscript printing to pdf in Windows

Dear Edward

It appears that the problem I had was caused by a dodgy font. I tried to introduce the Euro Symbol into 8415oem.fon using Fontforge. It worked in XyWin but upset CMD.EXE. With the original 8514oem.fon back in service all appears to work, for the moment anyway.

In fault finding this, I removed Ghostscript and REDMON from my system but have since installed Bullzip and I have been using that to generate a pdf from XyWin to test your utility. In answer to your earlier questions:

1.output.ps does not go to the printer

2.pdf.ps does not create an arbitrarily named file on the desktop

3. Clicking on a PDF does open it in the default viewer.

I have also tried changing the default viewer to Adobe; that made no difference.

However, it turns out that the latest version of the free Bullzip can send a pdf to the viewer after it has printed it to a file. In addition it simply overwrites the file if it is given a specific name rather than using wildcards. This emulates the behaviour with XY4 and VdosPlus too and represents an alternative solution.

As an aside, bullzip (and my previous system with Ghostscript and 
REDMON) create a pdf file, even if it had a PS filetype name such as 
PDFTEMP.PS.  Does that make any difference to the operation of 

On 30/01/2020 22:46, Edward Mendelson wrote:
Dear Paul,

If cmd.exe won't run, then my programs certainly won't work. Please let
me know when this is sorted out.