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Re: Aspell and French

Reply to note from "Paul Breeze" <dmarc-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
(Redacted sender "paul.breeze" for DMARC) Wed, 19 Feb 2020 13:03:21


It turned out that only a small adjustment to frame ASPL was needed to
allow it to work with non-English-language dictionaries. The usage is
as before: ASPL<Helpkey> uses the settings in XyWWWeb.REG, ASPLGB
specifies the British English dictionary, ASPLFR French, etc. etc.
Obviously, the specified dictionary must have been installed in
Aspell's dict folder. The latest U2 is available at XyWWWeb:


Frame ASPL still uses Aspell v0.50, the latest (last?) version that
works in Windows. I did manage to install Aspell v0.60 and get it
running in the MSYS2 environment under Windows. I even wrote a frame
that sends the current XyWrite file to MSYS2 for spell-checking.
However, none of this helps you, since only the English-language
dictionaries seem to be available for MSYS2.

Carl Distefano