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Re: vdosplus printing in Windows xp

Dear Kari
Thanks for the link. I have found that GS 9.10 will work with Windows XP. Installing this version, then copying CSWin32c.exe from the bin folder of the the GS installation into my vDosPlus folder seems to have done the trick.
Best wishes


On 11/03/2020 15:18, Kari Eveli wrote:
Dear Paul,

It seems that the same affects W2K installations. See
https://www.ghostscript.com/doc/Install.htm for details about versions
compatible with XP.

Best regards,

Kari Eveli
LEXITEC Book Publishing (Finland)

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Dear Edward

I am trying to set up printing from vDdosPlus in windows XP but when I
try using the GhostPCL system, the two executables, GSWin32C.exe and
PCL6.exe are rejected as not being Win32 executables.  Does this mean
they are limited to Windows 7 at minimum or is there some way of getting
them to work with XP?

