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Re: Clip Under DOSBox-X-App

Thank you to all who are working on this project. I'm following closely because I am about to buy a new Mac laptop, and must have Xywrite in order to do my work. I've been running Xy in Boxer on Mojave on several machines. To be able to upgrade would be a dream.

Lisa Kleinholz

On Sat, Dec 5, 2020 at 9:26 AM Edward Mendelson <em36@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote
There is basically nothing you can do to make DOSBox-X work the same way my DOSBoxApp works. My application uses an AppleScript wrapper to set up various directories and files and to write parts of the conf file. That can’t be reproduced in plain DOSBox-X.

What you can do is get in touch with me privately (the address is at wpdos.org/feedback.html if you need it) and I’ll send a link to a new and different version of the DOSBoxApp. It’s not ready for release, because Wengier is still making improvements in the DOSBox-X code, which will add to the really superb work he’s already done.