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Re: Xywrite speller and thesaurus are missing after move to Win 10

Thank you!! You've helped me successfully resolve the problem, although in an even more basic way than you advised.

When you suggested changing the name of the C:vDosPlus=Xy folder to C:\vDosXY, I realized that I already have a C:\vDosXY folder available from my Win 7 computer. I'm always nervous about following programming instructions that involve changing anything in a startup.int file -- I'm essentially a very bright second-grader when it comes to programming language -- so I opted for the simplest way to return to a short file name:

I substituted my old vDosXY folder and XY directory for vDosPlus-XY. 

It worked perfectly: I have Speller and Thesaurus again. Of course, I have an older iteration of vDosXY -- but that's okay. Eventually, I'll get around to monkeying with renaming the vDosPlus Xy folder. For now, I've got what I need.


On Tue, May 18, 2021 at 8:41 PM Edward Mendelson <em36@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Possibly because you are using long filenames (not 8.3 filenames) in your startup.int file. Wherever you have C:\vDosPlus-Xy, replace it with


which is what you see as the name of the folder in the screen shot of the XyWrite directory.

Better still, change the name of the C:\vDosPlus-Xy folder to something that has only eight characters or fewer (no spaces), for example:


and then change all references to the folder in your startup.int.

vDosPlus understands long filenames, but XyWrite does not, so it can never find anything in a path that includes “vDosPlus-Xy” or anything similar