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Re: Xywrite in Boxer on Mac M1, Big Sur

Tweaked a bit and found I was able to use DropBox with DOSBox-x. So now I have two ways to work in Xy on the new computer. The learning curve is still steep, as I have to remap some keys in DOSBox-x, but the True Type fonts are appealing.

Lisa Kleinholz

On Wed, Jun 16, 2021 at 12:38 PM Fred Weiner <fw1948@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Lisa et al
I have the latest DOSBox-X on one of the last intel macs and XY is beautiful and functional; though a major glitch: getting the 4dos clipboard inside dosbox to interface with the mac system and the XY clipboard function. Bonkers. I'm not sure specifically but if you can find a configuration file for the Boxer setup, you should be able to tweak around to get (nearly) what you want. Yeah, it takes time, which I have. I get what you're saying about upgrading to Big Sur. Lose good stuff.

On Wed, Jun 16, 2021 at 9:15 AM Lisa Kleinholz <lkleinholz@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I have been using Boxer for DOS emulation on my Macs for several years. I literally work in XyWrite all day everyday. Since I've adapted XyWrite to ease my indexing and writing work, I'm totally reliant on both DOS emulation and Xy4.

Recently I bought a new Mac Air with an M1 chip, which I love, but I haven't been able to work in XyWrite on the new computer. Although I downloaded and installed DOSBox-x in December, I found the learning curve to be too steep. Someday when I am not so pressed for time, I'll read the Wiki and all instructions and maybe get it working.

As for the present, I've just found a 64-bit version of Boxer, and it works well on my M1. Available here. https://boxer.thec0de.com/index.html

Not sure if this is correct, but I found I had to have Xywrite in the DOSBox-x folder on the Mac. Boxer allows me to use my XyWrite folder in Dropbox as my C: drive, so I can access all my work and have everything synced automatically.

If anyone can offer me some tips on getting DOSBox-x working better, I'd appreciate it. I'd love to be able to confidently upgrade my other Macs to Big Sur.

Many thanks for all the years of help--to Carl and everyone! You've made my working life so much easier, through many iterations of operating systems and frustrations.

Lisa Kleinholz