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Re: How to add CLS to dos function?


I’m afraid that neither of those solutions worked under vDosPlus on a Mac. When I enter “dos” on the command line, only the first twenty-five lines turn white-on-black; the rest of the XyWrite window is visible beneath it.

Rather than ask you to try to guide me on this, I’ve posted what I’ve got in case any Mac user wants to try it out:

Note the http:// NOT https:// which your browser may switch to without telling you.

Because Wineskin apps can’t be notarized, the only way to run this is either:

1. Open a terminal, enter "xattr -rc “ (no quotation marks and don’t forget the space) and drag the XyWrite app into the terminal and press Enter.


2. Right-click on the app and choose Open. Ignore the message from macOS, press Esc. Right-click again and choose Open. Then choose Open again.

The first is necessary if macOS tells you that the app is damaged and must be moved to the trash. 

TYPE prints to the default Mac printer. TYPEF ,LPT3 creates a PDF on the desktop.

I hope this is useful to someone.