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Re: Accidental Roget Thesaurus activation

Reply to note from Lisa Kleinholz <lkleinholz@xxxxxxxxx> Tue, 23 Nov
2021 17:05:53 -0500

> Could anyone among you help me figure out how to offload the Roget
> Thesaurus that I added per instructions from the list (most likely
> Carl) years ago? I don't use it. And on my new extended Mac
> keyboard everytime I touch F11 it comes on and nearly freezes
> XyWrite.

Hi, Lisa, and happy TG to you too!

If Roget is assigned to F11, then open your keyboard file, search for
"87=" and insert a semi-colon at the beginning of that line. (You could
also assign something else to 87= if you wish.)

To disable Overstrike, in your keyboard file change each instance of
"TI" and "TO" to "SI". Funcs TI and TO both toggle between Overstrike
and Insert, while SI simply Sets Insert.

SAve and re-LOAD the keyboard file, and you should be in business.

Let me know if you have any problem.


Carl Distefano