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And you might need to set the paper width: 
[BX ]d PW=100[Q2 ]

-----Original Message-----
From: xywrite-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <xywrite-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> On Behalf Of Carl Distefano
Sent: Monday, January 3, 2022 1:21 PM
To: xywrite@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: CLRW

Reply to note from Edward Mendelson <em36@xxxxxxxxxxxx> Mon, 3 Jan 2022
09:48:32 -0500

Edward, I'll try to break it down into discrete steps.

> To start with, how did you set 100 columns - in the configuration file 
> or at the command line with config -set?

I did it manually, with "config -set cols=100", but the result should be the same if you
use the configuration file.

> what commands in your startup.int are related to the window?
> settings

To set 100 columns and 35 rows as your working default, your startup.int would have:

BX d sw=100,sl=35Q2 ;*;

The position of the line within startup.int isn't critical, but I would put it towards the bottom,
after the line that loads the printer file.
Then, to force full screen in window #1:

BX window 1Q2 ;*;

What printer file are you loading? In my screenshot I'm using POSTGHST.PR4, which is based closely
on Robert Holmgren's PostScript printer file for XyWrite 4.

I suppose a follow-up question would be, How are you loading the printer file? In Xy3 a simple LOAD
(or LDPRN) command does it; in Xy4, however, there should be a PP: table in SETTINGS.DFL, which
lists the various printer files alongside the port (typically, LPT1 or LPT2) to use with the
corresponding printer file. My table looks like this:

1	X:\XY4\POSTGHST.PR4	PostScript
1	X:\XY4\EPSON.PR4	Epson
1	X:\XY4\STANDARD.PRN	Standard
1	X:\XY4\NO.PRN	Null printer
2	X:\XY4\POSTGHST.PR4	PS select printer
2	X:\XY4\PCL.PR4	PCL select printer

To load a printer file from the table, use the SETP command. SETP 1 loads the first file, and so on.

Other things being equal, the above should enable you to reproduce my screenshot. For convenience, I
put a ZIP file with POSTGHST.PR4 and my XyWrite 4 test document here:


I hope this helps.

Carl Distefano