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Reply to note from Edward Mendelson <em36@xxxxxxxxxxxx> Sun, 2 Jan 2022
22:04:34 -0500

> I can now set the window to 100 columns wide, but I haven't the
> faintest idea of how to make XyWrite work in that setting.
> Changing the BC Window command from 80 to 100 doesn't seem to do
> any good. Possibly Carl can help?

Once you've set the screen dimensions in DOS, the key is to set the
same screen dimensions in XyWrite. So, assuming DOS is cols=100 and
rows=35, in XyWrite you'd command:

D SW=100,SL=35

Obviously, to actually take advantage of the screen width, your
document has to have appropriate margins, etc. Here's an example:


It may also be necessary to adjust the font or point size to get the
display where you want it. Note that these settings may be different
from the font and point size desired for printing.

Carl Distefano