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Re: Off topic backup query

Thanks Carl, I'll look into Dropbox as well. I might have to have two cloud backup services, which seems crazy . . . . but it bothers me that we don't seem to have a terminology for this most important kind of backup.

At 1/10/2022 03:27 PM, you wrote:
Reply to note from Bill Troop <billtroop@xxxxxxxxx> Mon, 10 Jan 2022
14:07:04 +0000


> The great thing about Memopal for me was that it kept endless
> copies of a file.

Dropbox has this feature as well. They call it "version history", and
even free Dropbox accounts save these multiple backups for 30 days. I
can't tell you how many times this has saved my skin. It's not that the
need arises that often, but when it does, it's always a big relief, and
a huge work saver, to be able to recover the last "good" version of a
file. I couldn't live without it.

Carl Distefano