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Re: Xy4U2


Yes, I’ve now added the B:\Xy4U2\PRINT folder to the DOS path in my Mac app, and that worked
correctly (along with adding \PRINT to startup.int). But is there any way to make this portable, so
\PRINT\ will work without changing the DOS path first? It occurs to me that maybe STARTUP.INT could
include a command that uses the value that you’ve already found for the Xy4 folder and do
something like BX DO PATH [value of variable]\PRINT;%PATH%; Q2- but you would know better how to
make this work, if it can work at all.

Also, I’ve moved the LJ*.BIN files into the PRINT folder. Is that the right thing to do? I
won’t upload a new version until you’ve let me know whether I’m making things

Kari, is the Signature Technical Reference available (or unavailable) only in print, or is there a
scanned version?