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Re: Exporting files with accented characters

Some of the filters may be limited to 7-bit ASCII, but using Signature or Xy4 ’Save As, Microsoft Rich Text ANSI’, I do get a file that can be opened in Win Word as is. IBM ASCII 8-bit accented characters show up correctly, line draw etc. do not. I think RTF is the correct format to export from Xy4 to Windows applications. Or use some application that can do the conversion automatically from 8-bit IBM ASCII to ANSI or Unicode (e.g. EditPad) depending on the file extension.
Best regards,

Kari Eveli
LEXITEC Book Publishing (Finland)

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 Mendelson kirjoitti 3.2.2022 klo 5:27:

Bill’s message about opening XyWrite files in inDesign got me thinking about another subject, and I wonder what i’m doing wrong.

As an experiment, I typed a few non-US characters into a XyWrite file using the menu to add the accents, like this:

I typed e, then F10, Insert, Accents, Grave, and produced an e-grave.

I did the same with a few more accented letters. Then I used File/SaveAs to export the file to WordPerfect 6.0 and Word 7.0. In each case, the resulting files had nonsense characters instead of the accented characters. An attempt to save a file in RTF format produced an empty file.

Is this a flaw in the export filters or an entirely different problem?