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Re: Keyboard Help can't find func.hlp

Reply to note from Edward Mendelson  Sun, 17 Apr 2022 18:50:31 -0400

Hello, Edward.

> The function key help says that F10 toggles between text and the
> command line. In fact it opens the help menu. Could this be fixed?
> And is there in fact a key that toggles between the command line
> and the text? 

It turns out that FUNC.HLP isn't all that helpful. It simply lists
default key assignments without regard to the actual assignments in the
active keyboard file. I assume that your keyboard file is XY4.KBD. If
you inspect that file, you'll see that what's actually assigned to F10
are funcs GT,SH -- move cursor to text area and show top-level menu.
Func CC, which toggles the cursor between the command line and text, is
assigned to Numpad-5. U2 includes a more helpful function listing,
which does reflect the assignments in the loaded keyboard file. The
command is TABLE FUNCTIONS; (in my portable setup, I've
assigned  to unshifted F11). 

> I'm baffled at the help description of F6. Probably I should know
> what the action bar is, but I don't, and the only thing I see F6
> doing is switching between documents if I have more than one open.

I don't know what the "action bar" is, either; (I think it means
"command line"). It's one of those terms that's in the manual but that
real-life XyWriters never use. If you look at what's assigned to F6 in
XY4.KBD, you'll see three functions: Q6 (add to dictionary, a spell-
check function),XH (remove any currently-displayed help/menu), and,
voil&!, NX (switch to next open window).

U2 provides a handy way to identify the current key assignment for any
key. Command IDKEY, then press the key; you'll be taken to the
relevant line in the loaded keyboard file.

Carl Distefano