Hello Pawel,You can download XY3 manual from my site: https://www.lexitec.fi/xywrite/xy3-manual.pdf An important source that is readily available is Tony Woozley's Customization and Programming Guide for NB3 and NB4: http://www.penticoff.com/nb/programming/index.htm I do have most of the manuals but they are not for sale. When there is a particular problem that needs an excerpt from a manual, I can scan the pages (within reason).
Another place to try to buy the manuals would be the Nota Bene list: https://lists.h-net.org/mailman/listinfo/notabene Best regards, Kari Eveli LEXITEC Book Publishing (Finland) lexitec@xxxxxxxxxx *** Lexitec Online *** Lexitec in English: https://www.lexitec.fi/english.html Lexitec English and Finnish dictionaries: https://sk.lexitec.fi/en/ Home page in Finnish: https://www.lexitec.fi/ Pawel Jarosz wrote:
I would like to purchase print manuals [complete XyWrite 4.0, NB DOS, and Signature boxes (disks and manuals)]; I have looked everywhere and I can�t find them for sale (eBay, etc.); I am willing to pay reasonable amount for each print manual if anyone would be willing to sell them to me. Thank you. Sincerely, PJ