On Saturday, August 13, 2022 at 03:02:35 AM EDT, Kari Eveli <lexitec@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I would say that this is not a vDosPlus issue. Static electricity is the
most common cause of odd keyboard behavior. It can creep into the
motherboard, too. Depending on the system you use, there are several
things you can try, e.g. disconnect the keyboard, power down the
computer, remove the battery from the motherboard (before doing this
think of saving/documenting your BIOS settings). In the case of laptops,
getting all power off can be tricky.
Best regards,
Kari Eveli
LEXITEC Book Publishing (Finland)
*** Lexitec Online ***
> Lately in the course of working in xy3, I've performed unknown editing
> keystrokes which suddenly render the keyboard inoperative in both
> vdosplus and Windows -- either keystrokes don't work, or they perform
> unexpected actions, bringing up Windows dialogues and menus. Ending
> vdos in the task manager does not bring the keyboard back. All I can do
> is shutdown and restart.
> It happens so suddenly I have no idea what I just did. I'm also using a
> highly customized keyboard file. Anyone else seen this? Or suggestions
> for restoring the keyboard without a shut down?