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Re: Ansified XyWrite?

Carl and Manuel,

Thank you for those explanations. The U2 help feel seems to imply that a DOSBox-X or vDosPlus setup
could be Ansified by doing the following (and please correct me if I�m mistaken):

1. change the default code page to 1252

2. install and select the POSTANSI.PRN printer driver, and don�t use any other printer driver
unless you can remember to use ANSITY instead of PRINT on the command line.

3. copy into the Xy folder the SEP*.PRN files whose function is completely obscure to me 

4. copy the ANSI.SUB file whose function is also completely obscure to me

5. finally, perform lengthy and exacting manual labor modifying one�s keyboard file (which
will include figuring out pseudo-function S8)

Without a prebuilt Ansified keyboard file to start with, this may not be practical for many users,
so I understand why this system isn�t more widely used.

I�ve been puzzled by this option, and am grateful to have it explained.