Hi all,The bugbear of XyWrite users is back. Please take the time to cherish one of the finest programs MS ever made, DOS Word. I have to admit that when Word 5.5 appeared, I thought it was awful compared to Word 5.0 (the old-school 'Transfer, Load' menus were gone, and there was a new Windows-style menu structure). Today, I must say that Word 5.5 feels quite right with my new Windows-type shortcuts (Ctrl-O as opposed to Alt+Ctrl+F2). The competition for the best virtualized DOS word processor today has begun.
Download from https://www.lexitec.fi/xywrite/vDosPlusWord55_1_0_Setup.zip Best regards, Kari Eveli LEXITEC Book Publishing (Finland) lexitec@xxxxxxxxxx *** Lexitec Online *** Lexitec in English: https://www.lexitec.fi/english.html Lexitec English and Finnish dictionaries: https://sk.lexitec.fi/en/ Home page in Finnish: https://www.lexitec.fi/