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Mac Clipboard Qs

I've separated this out from the previous thread since it's peripheral to the other questions. 

I do appreciate the attention to the mysterious Mac clipboard. 

Carl, I've been using a version of that  CLIP$  key assignment in DosBox via CTRL-Z (key 44)  for a while. (For reasons unknown  I had it starting with DZBX, which seemed to limit the character count; BX alone fixes that!) 

The problem is the clipped XY text also shows carriage returns  as eighth-notes, which I then have to delete one by one from the text I'm uploading. (It goes into what's essentially a Google Doc).  

My current Mac workaround is to save the XY text, open it with Mac's Text Edit, copy all or selected,  and upload from there -- that's easy. So the Mac can read and display the XY text correctly, but not with what CLIP sends over from DosBox. 

There's also a DosBox "Shared Clipboard functions"  (shown under Main on the Mac menu) that can be used in various ways.  But that's worse: It seems to copy highlighted text as a graphic rather than as text, which means a lot more deletion and editing. Pasting in from DosBox (from that Shared Clipboard functions; I have it on Right-Command) works nicely. 

I'm still struggling to install the new Vdos version on Monterey with the xattr command (yes, it is the correct "which xattr"). 
But I'm going to make some attempts this weekend on a different Mac running Ventura instead of Monterey. Results to follow. 

Jon Pareles 

Date: Thu, 9 Feb 2023 10:47:50 -0500
From: Edward Mendelson <em36@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Two systems for running Xy4 under macOS

Jon and anyone else interested:

I've now figured out how to copy to the Mac clipboard from both the
vDosPlus- and DOSBox-X-based systems, and also how to paste from the Mac
clipboard, though it will take a bit of time to implement them usefully.
I've also figured out why printing sometimes wasn't working in the vDos
setup. When I've got this all sorted out, I'll upload and post a notice.


From: "Carl Distefano" <cld@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Keyboard definition question
Date: Thu, 9 Feb 2023 13:47:06 -0500

I answered these questions in an off-list message to you, but I'll repeat it here for the benefit of others. The keyboard assignments for vDosPlus are:

nn=BX,s,a,d,/,n,v, ,L,P,T,4,Q2

nn=BX,m,e, ,L,P,T,4,Q2

To cancel the selection at the end of the Copy command, append ",YD" to the assignment.

These should work as well with DOSBox-X, using CLIP$ instead of LPT4.

Carl Distefano


From: "Carl Distefano" <cld@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Keyboard definition question
Date: Thu, 9 Feb 2023 13:48:01 -0500

Reply to note from Edward Mendelson <em36@xxxxxxxxxxxx> Thu, 9 Feb 2023 12:41:12 -0500

> What keyboard command would insert the contents of an existing
> file into the cursor position?

It's the MErge command. See my previous reply.

Carl Distefano


End of xywrite Digest V15 #21