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Re: Xy4_Installation&Learning_Guide.pdf

Carl and Edward,
I got a more elaborate version from Edward with page numbers which makes the index workable. Thank you! This replaces the former one:
Incidentally, page numbering seems to work ok in most PDF readers, e.g.: Acrobat, Foxit, PDF-Exchange, SumatraPDF.
I am working on the Customization Guide but still doing some tweaking to 
get the process better.
Carl has the rare transition guide which would be a nice addition to the 
readily available set of guides.
Meanwhile, I have changed to Windows 10. The transition was pretty 
smooth but some things did not make me happy. I lost Virtual PC 2007 
which made me set up Windows 7 in a virtual machine. The double 
virtualization solution is slow but works. A Win7 VM is useful for 
running programs that are not compatible with Win10, like Acrobat X.

Best regards,

Kari Eveli
LEXITEC Book Publishing (Finland)

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Thanks, Kari, for another excellent effort, and also to those who contributed. I've added the Xy4 Installation and Learning Guide to a new section of the XyWWWeb page, XyWrite IV OEM Guides, along with a few other publications:


If you are aware of any other XyWrite 4 OEM documentation that should be included here, please let me know -- including documents that used to be available on www.xywrite.com, which now, unfortunately, appears to be a "stub".