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Re: install from IMG files

I hope I can. Anyway, the installer makes a backup of your custom files. Maybe the solution is to copy them back into your XyWrite folder.
Please note that depending on which installer you run, they behave 
differently. If you run the Update (v. 5.02) installer, you are supposed 
to make some manual adjustments after the install (described in 
!SP_note.txt in the XyWrite folder). If you run the Service Pack 
installer (v. 5.02), the modifications are automatic. However, you must 
tick the "Restore values from previous AUTOEXEC.TXT and CONFIG.TXT 
files" to have your previous settings restored (when the installation is 
at its final stage).

Best regards,

Kari Eveli
LEXITEC Book Publishing (Finland)

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But I'm puzzled that the installer didn't pick up all of your customizations. Kari will be able to help.

Attachment: Restore_settings.jpg
Description: JPEG image