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Re: Save selected DF block to file without EOF marker?

J. R. Fox wrote:

Wasn't there some setting that allowed Xy to ignore the EOF, thereby looking past it in the file ?
As has been answered already, yes, the d 1a=1 setting. It has one functional purpose other than the business with docinfo. It will allow you to examine a file from another format in its entirety. If you want, say, to simply examine a Word file while you're in XyWrite, set the system to 1a=1 temporarily, and you'll be able to read the thing, and, alas, also the formatting stuff at the top and the bottom. You might find this easier than dealing with List. (Or not.) In light of the warnings about keeping this on, you might want to do a little XPL thang if you ever decide you need to examine Word files in XyWrite on a regular basis: map ctrl-Q to a routine that has an if statement that says if df1a=1 then prompt Yo! Yo! Yo! 1a is active! Or something. -- Leslie Bialler, Columbia University Press lb136@xxxxxxxx 61 W. 62 St, NYC 10023 212-459-0600 X7109 (phone) 212-459-3677 (fax)