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Re: Clipboard

>Reading the Clipboard thread, it occurs to me that I never did "get" the
>concept of a clipboard. What advantage does it have over simply appending
>block deletions to a RAMdisk file? Which is how I've handled the problem
>of "multi-level undo" from time immemorial. In fact, I have a little setup
>which lets me restore anything I've deleted for, say, the last year or so.
>So what's a clipboard gonna give me that I ain't already got?

  The clipboard is most useful for pasting the line(s) of text
into another app -- or pasting from another app into XY. Can you
do that from your setup? Like I'm on line right now, and I can
cut text from an XY file, or from a message in my off line
reader, or whatever, and paste it into my message here with just
a few quick mouse flicks. Very handy -- especially nice for such
things as grabbing a long web address from a message, for
instance, and tossing it onto the command prompt of my account,
and bingo,
I'm there -- no fumbling around with several mis-typed attempts.
  And, it cuts across file type lines -- doesn't matter if the
original file is from WP, or whatever. At least that's how it works under OS/2 --
I've not tried the windoz version lately, if ever.

-- Harmon Seaver hseaver@xxxxxxxx hseaver@xxxxxxxx
seaverh@xxxxxxxx harmon@xxxxxxxx

Microsoft isn't the answer. Microsoft is the question, and the
answer is NO.