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Re: No TrueType 141?

Robert Holmgren came through. Thank you, Sir!

I must confess that I'd forgotten about XyWWWeb. I rushed there some
months ago (almost as soon as it was announced), and then, in the space of
twenty minutes or so: noticed various various things of interest, found
that something called Reorganize was a must, looked at the DOCs for that,
and thought "ah, yes, I'll print this out and digest it one of these days".
 Since which time, nothing.

>Evans didn't even HINT that he was running Windows 95 until his fourth or
>fifth droll msg on the subject (by which time I had dropped out, or rather

Sorry. Some part of my brain is intermittently aware that Win31 remains
the most popular variety in the western hemisphere (of the Earth). Here in
the Orient, Win95's commercial success has been so overwhelming that,
unqualified, "Windows" can safely be taken to mean Win95.

>How about a deal? I give you the big black circle with the 2 in the
>middle; and we stop talking about this?

Fine with me too.

>Do you know how to generate a three-byte character? . . . The specific
>character that you want is 255-252-13. . . .

The embarrassing truth is that I did know how these worked, and it now only
comes back with creaking sounds. I type a non-breaking hyphen, and I get
FFh 32h 44h . . . um, er, FFh is the escape character; 45d = 2Dh; "2" is
32h, and "D" is 44h. Making them is a different matter; I look forward to
trying out your software after I've digested the relevant DOC and

>"Secrets" my foot.

Notwithstanding your skepticism, a good book. When all the other books I
looked at skipped this or that vital stage in creating a PPP connection,
the relevant chapter of this one (consulted last) did the job.

Er, talk of *Secrets* reminds me . . . if I may end with a gloriously
Xy-irrelevant paragraph [sorry, ...]: I don't know how good they are, but
Que's *Windows 95 Installation and Configuration Handbook* and *Windows NT
4.0 Installation and Configuration Handbook* are two of the six books
provided in Adobe Acrobat format on a CD-ROM at the back of the 8th edition
of *Upgrading and Repairing PCs* (RRP $50). The latter isn't a book I'd
read for pleasure, and I'm glad to say I haven't *needed* to look in it
during the couple of days since it reached me from Amazon . . . but my copy
of the even more enormous 4th edition served me very well--and that too is
on the CD-ROM.
Peter Evans