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Re: No TrueType 141?

Robert Holmgren wrote on Nov. 5

> (In fact, if I print out all 255 chars in this Times New Roman
> set, I get 255 glyphs, each one unique.

Robert Holmgren wrote on Nov. 17

> And I _still_ get all 256 characters in WingDings to print out under
> XyWin -- standard edition, standard 1-byte characters. Notwithstanding
> skepticism or your book. "Secrets" my foot.

Sorry to be so obstinate, but neither I nor "my" book have ever disputed
that WINGDINGS has the full set. What about TIMES ROMAN?

But thanks much (really!) for the rest of your message. When I called you
guru par excellence I meant it not facetiously, and you again prove
yourself most worthy of the appellation. I can't say that I fully
understand everything you advise, but after some experimentation (and
after first installing REORGANIZE which I'll have to admit I had never
gotten around to until now), PUTCHAR and MAKE3BYTR indeed enabled me to
insert the WingDings black circled 2 into a XyWin document. ANSI
141 (using ANSI.PM) also was successful, as was RUN ANSI.PM
141. For unfathomable reasons, ANSI 236 does not seem to
work reliably: I once got a phantom NE arrow, but weird as it sounds it
disappeared and does not "stick" (no matter what view I'm in). RUN ANSI
236 also produces nothing. So it seems like some further exploration
on my side is required, but since the black circled 2 and not the NE
arrow was the deal this time, I'll duly shut up for now.

Wolfgang Bechstein