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Re: XyWrite history (timeline)

> I'm beginning to get the idea that TTG was something of a
> "fly-by-the-seat-of-the-pants" outfit.

You are correct.

Kenny Frank had no idea about running a software company. He would insist on making a
new build at the slightest whim. When we were working on Smartwords/Wealth Transfer
Planner he would come up with new feature requests every week if not daily. Years
went by without us finishing anything because he always wanted another new feature to
be added and mocked up so he could show it to another customer/investor. It drove the
final three of us working for TTG in MA crazy. I got tired of the idiocy and left.

I don't know if it ever shipped.

employed at XyQuest/TTG from 1984 through 1987