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Michel: I just tried to implement every aspect of the set-up you desire (with
the sole exception that my PCLEXAM dictionary is English, not French). I
toggled the two main dictionaries; I toggled two dedicated personal spell files
in synchronization with the main dictionaries; I spell checked; I permanently
added words to the two personal spell files (F5 in Microlytics). I did these
things over and over. It all works, like a charm.

But if it still doesn't work for you, then please just ZIP up your STARTUP.INT,
SETTINGS.DFL, and .KBD file (and U2, if you have one) in a file, and put it
here (Private is fine); that's much faster than talking...

Look, I cobbled together the various frames that I use to control all this
stuff, and I nclose them with this msg. Maybe they'll give you some
pointers or ideas. Some of this stuff is fairly high-level, so *be careful* if
you start changing things! My instructions are very terse too (sorry). But
give a look, if you want... Gotta go.

*Enclosed File: DICTION.HLP