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Re: New SEparator tables available for CodePages 437, 850, and 1252 (ANSI)

Robert Holmgren wrote:

 > NOTE that you do not need to install any SEparator table if
you do not wish to _modify_ it! Just use the built-in
table. But this does NOT apply to users of ANSIfied
XyWrite; they should download and install the table for CP
I have been testing the new table and it works perfectly. Only a couple
of suggestions for the first line of the table (I am always referring to
ansified XyWrite): to include “ (ANSI 147) ” (ANSI 148) ‘ (ANSI 145) ’
(ANSI 146) [I'll verify later if the transmission through the Internet
respects the signs], together with ". Ansified XyWrite uses them
regularly and they are transparent for other programs.
On the other hand: if I use the NW function (usually Ctrl+Right Arrow),
the cursor stops too at the next XyWrite code (ANSI 174). I have
included the sign in my separator table and no more problem! Is it
dangerous for the stability of the program?
Other possible candidates for the first line of the new separator table:
 _ (ANSI 95) ' (ANSI 39) ¶ (ANSI 182).
Any comments?
Manuel Castelao