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Re: OT Use of Ellipses (was Wikipedia entry on XyWrite)

Bill Troop wrote:
OK. But even that can be a problem, as in this quotation from a news article about Secretary Rice:
"The problem is that since Annapolis there has been a certain ... level of activity that raises questions and they need to address that."
here: http://apnews.myway.com/article/20080615/D91ALTD80.html /Surely/, in a newspaper article, and between quotation marks, ellipsis should /not/ be used /except/ to indicate an omission of text? Surely there are other ways of indicating tone? Indeed, there's something fishy about the whole thing. It raises so many questions as to who made the decision, and when, to interpret a pause that may or may not have actually taken place.
You're right Bill, and AP's right too, as it turns out. Here's the full text from the State Dept: SECRETARY RICE: As I said, we’ve made our views very clear. And as you know, our view is the Roadmap obligations are pretty clear on this – on this point. And we read the Roadmap quite literally on this point. Look, I understand that there’s a kind of expectation that, you know, somebody – we all say, “Stop,” and it stops. I do think that the key is to work with the Israelis and to make clear to the Israelis that this is a problem. You know, it’s a problem not because of one tender here or one house here. It’s -- the problem is that since Annapolis, there’s been a certain -- QUESTION: Surge? SECRETARY RICE: We don’t use that word outside of – (laughter) – there’s been a certain level of activity that raises questions. And they need to address that. And so that’s what I’m emphasizing. http://www.state.gov/secretary/rm/2008/06/105918.htm Paul Lagasse