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Re: Xy as database handler? - Free Xy source!

>Being renewedly impressed with the extraction possibilities of things of
the form: , I'm considering using Xy to do primitive database
operations--probably using commas as field separators, and  as record

>But to do this, I'd have to have some nifty, economical way to change the
contents of a field. All I can think of, however, is a clunky DL (define
line) and series of SE/S /,/ followed by more defines.

>Is there a better way?

Maybe. Use some kind of database software. Personally, I have used DOS Clipper to process XyWrite
output for use in publishing software. If Xy source code were available, Xywrite could easily do all
the preprocessing and formatting. If XyQuest had developed publishing extensions instead of the IBM
deal, they could still be in business. But as things stand now, Xy aficionados should be able to
tinker with the source code instead of trying to figure out XPL extensions. The source code exists,
but is unavailable. Free Xy source!

Best regards,

Kari Eveli
LEXITEC Book Publishing (Finland)

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