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DOS and Windows

Nathan Sivin:
> I was talking about "DOS mode," which your manual
> will tell you all about. That operates without
> Windows (at least when we are not being precise). For the
> purpose you can think of it as DOS 7.
> It will let you run the program as a full-screen
> DOS session. Unlike the "DOS window," you have to reboot to
> get back to Windows.
Yes and not.
If you like, it is possible to boot and remain in DOS (preventing Windows
to start itself) and also to go to Windows simply typing "WIN" (as was in
Windows 3.1).
Here is why it is possible.
After Config and Startup are been executed, the system automatically run
"WIN" (which normally is Win.com, but can be Win.bat). If you:
1.	Create a directory named (e.g.) \Bat
2.	In that directory put a file named Win.bat that does nothing but allow
you to type "win" to really invoke Windows
3.	Modify startup to have your Bat directory to be the first on the
searching path ("PATH C:\BAT;%PATH%")
then Windows starts only if you want it starts.
Attached is my Win.bat, just for someone who wants try to boot and remain
in DOS.
It is tested for Windows 95; I don't know if it works under Windows 98.

Attachment: win.bat
Description: win.bat (File batch MS-DOS)