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Re: Using NB to Convert (was Re: XP & malware, then: Attachments and HTML )


Then is not the problem. If you have time, you could create a plain Xy3 or Xy4 file, try importing that into NB, then add formatting complexity step by step, to see what is causing the problem. Or you could DECODE and run the program that follows and send me, privately, the result and I'll see if the formatting causes problems on my system.

b-gin [UNTITLED]
cr|lf]{177};*;[cr|lf][BX_]ne/nv xyfmats[Q2_];*;[cr|lf][AS_][T
F_][159+048+068][TF_];*;[cr|lf][BX_]ci /[159+195+046]/[159+19
];*;[cr|lf][BX_]ci /[159+195+047]/[159+195+047]/[Q2_];*;[cr|l
7}<>{176}PV03{177}{177}[BC_]File has unbalanced guillemets: {
176}PV02{177} left vs. {176}PV03{177} right{176}EX{177}{176}E
I{177};*;[cr|lf];*;[cr|lf]{176}LBA{177};*; {176}MD81{177} LOO
P {176}MDNM{177}[cr|lf];*;[cr|lf][BX_]se/f /[159+195+046]/[Q2
_];*;[cr|lf]{176}IF{176}ER{177}{177}[AS_][BC_]Paul, save this
 file and send it to me: hb@xxxxxxxx{176}EX{177}{176}EI{1
77};*;[cr|lf][DF_];*;[cr|lf][BX_]se {181}[159+195+047]{181}[Q

Run this when your Xy file is open on the screen. The program produces a file named XYFMATS (for XyFormats) that contains each formatting code on a line of its own. It won't change your original file.

Dear Harry

I don't use styles, have none defined either, so I'm not sure I can do as you ask very intelligently.  Most of my work is with files under 100k but I do manipulate larger files when assembling a manuscript.  I have had trouble with tables, where I found I have to take great care to make sure they stood alone with a line above and below, and with interactions between tables and footnotes if I created a table and then added a footnote.  This was always because I had forgotten to set up the footnote style first.  Having learned how to manage these issues I very rarely have problems now (unless I forget the above).


On 21/06/2012 22:30, Harry Binswanger wrote:
If you are willing to experiment, take a long document and put a lot of
s in for styles that are not defined (via a preceding for
that style). Then see if you can close and re-open that file or if you
get a crash. I have that problem (among others) with files of 100K.

I will try to see what I'm doing in footnotes that causes the crashes.

On 21/06/2012 18:12, Harry Binswanger wrote:

Do you do footnotes much? Do you ever try to go to expanded mode while
editing a footnote?

Like Bill I have very little trouble with NB9.  I use footnotes all
the time and often exit in expanded mode.  It works for me.

Best wishes
