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Re: Xy on XP

Robert Holmgren wrote:
"Windowed mode"? Whazzat? If you mean FullScreen VGA (DOS-like), 720x400, or
80 columns and 25 rows of 16x9 pixels/cell.
No, I mean the way I like to run Xy and you don't: within a desktop window, so that the Windows desktop is visible around the rectangle in which Xy is running. And the VDM within which Xy operates has a title bar at the top, showing the name of the pif that launched it (in my case XYW4DOS), followed by Editor (being the name of the executable). Under that is the box where one can alter the size of the font, and then the 7 little boxes Redmond Rubbish puts on such bars.
We need to get an agreed-upon terminology here, because this whole
question turns on the issue of "Windowed" vs. "Full screen"; I'm
beginning to suspect that NOBODY escapes the jerky cursor when running
windowed under XP, though some either don't run windowed (you and Carl,
IIRC) or don't find it sufficiently annoying.
I have been accustomed to call this windowed, and use "full-screen" when
I mean a screen that looks like Xy used to in DOS days: it occupies the
whole screen (at least on all my machines; I believe with very large
screens or very high-res ones, esp. LCDs, it sometimes has a black
border around it and doesn't take up the whole screen), there's no title
bar at the top, and when you quit or hit Alt-Tab to switch focus there
are a sickening couple of seconds when the whole screen blanks out. (One
reason I prefer to run "windowed": I switch back and fourth between Xy,
the desktop, and other apps, and that black screen is just too scary.)
But I am perfectly willing to change my terminology if others use some
other. Let's just please keep a consistent one.

Patricia M. Godfrey