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Re: Rescue Xy3

Dear Myron,

 I think Leslie Bialler (or someone) made the Chevy analogy about a year ago and prompted some responses similar to yours. Indeed, I think proponents of the car analogy withdrew in surrender (at least as far as counterarguments went). It's interesting to read your very practical reasons for your own personal continuity with XY3. Mine are also practical: XY4 has more bugs, and ones I have not been able to work around. I was disappointed when I bought the "last" version as an upgrade last year. I know it corrects a large number of flaws, but none of the ones that make XY4 only partially useable to me. I continue to resort to it only for documents with slightly fancier formatting than my usual ones or documents that use Czech or Latvian (which require characters I lack in XY3). Carlo thyrsus@xxxxxxxx "Let's face it: dead people are busier than ever."