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Re: Screw the Rules

** Reply to note from Harry Binswanger  Sun, 6 Apr 1997 06:35:01 -0400 (EDT)

> [ADT.COM] doesn't seem to let go of something--modem, com port, whatever.
> Because I can't run Procomm+ afterwards; have to reboot.
> Robert: can you fix???? and would you?

I'll look at it, but frankly I have no further interest in this file. It was
written for DOS v3.1 or v4, and I don't use DOS anymore. Straight OS services
work very nicely for me (better than ADT). However, for your specific problem,
_after_ you use ADT, try issuing "ADT D n OFF" (where n=COMport#), then running
ProComm. ADT does not lock the port. But it does write directly to
the hardware, and modern OS's try to erect a wall between user programs and
hardware, so your OS may be averse to cooperating. OS/2 basically
tells ADT to go fly a kite. What OS are you using? Actually, DON'T answer that.
Let's forget about ADT...  

Robert Holmgren