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Re: Non-XYW question. Printer

"M.W. Poirier" wrote:

>  I am reluctant to get rid of my LJIIP+. But I had a fuser problem
>  in the past, and I really don't want to have to face that again.
>  However, I am inclined to think that it may not be a fuser issue,

It's not the most common problem, and a toner cartridge problem or defect seems more
likely to come up.

> since I am getting the standard message that is displayed in the
>  'display window' when everything is functioning well.

Yes, but most page appearance type problems are not the sort of thing that will
necessarily be identified by an error on the LCD panel.

>  Concerning the HP error codes, I have a few of them from the manual
>  that came with the printer when I bought it new, but are there many
>  more error codes?

I think there are, but I'd have to confirm that.

> What are the titled of the two little books you speak of?

O.K., they are as follows, also copied to the List in case anyone else is interested:

HP LaserJet Family Quick Reference Service Guide, Volume 1, May 1998 Edition. Manual
Part # 5021-8943. Approx. 353 pages. Covers about 23 models plus variants (e.g., 4,
4+, 4M, 4M+ etc.), starting with the "Classic" LaserJet on through the models 6L and

HP LaserJet Family Quick Reference Service Guide, Volume II, May 1999 Edition. Manual
Part # 5090-3390. Approx. 247 pages. Covers another 10 models and variants,
including the 1100, 2100, 4000, and 8100.

I'm guessing there may be later editions, covering later models. I called these
"pocket-sized", and I suppose that depends on the size of your pockets, but these are
6.5 x 4.25 inches. There was a vendor selling them on Ebay, and I vaguely recall
spending something like $15. plus shipping for both of these, though I could be off by
a few dollars. If you'd like the vendor's URL, or Ebay name, I will search for it and
post this later. These have already come in handy a few times, and no doubt will

I just flipped through Chapter 10 of Volume 1, which covers a range of image defects,
including faded print, incomplete images, image registration problems, jaggy lines
either vertical or horizontal, all-black pages, and so forth. The description you
gave does not jump out at me, but I won't have a chance to read over this in any
detail until after this weekend.
