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Re: Stack; Abnormal termination of MeNu frames; the Escape key

** Reply to message from Harry Binswanger  on Sun, 11 Jan 2004
21:23:18 -0500

> Robert wrote (re Stack installation):

>> the only purpose that REORGANIZE continues to serve is the DOC
>> file, which gives some background info. Otherwise ... forget

> May I suggest then that you remove this line from the "Manual
> Installation" section of stack.doc:

> "Step 1. Download a copy of REORGaNiZe (REORGNZ2.ZIP) and *install
> it* First things first. Come back here when you're successful."

That is NOT what STACK.DOC says! Maybe it said that a decade ago, before U2
was invented, but here's what it has said for years, quote:

Step 1. Download a copy of XYWWWEB.U2 and *install it*!
    First things first. Come back here when you're

So go get a fresh copy of STACKXYW.ZIP:
if you want an accurate (or, at any rate, more accurate) STACK.DOC.

>> Swap this DLG file for your old one, and then leave IT alone.
>> Now all you have to do is make a couple of adjustments to
>> your KBD file.

> Well, almost. I had to change CU and CD to LU and LD.

That, sir, is because you altered the default KBD assignments for Cursor-Up and
Cursor-Down. Stack is ready-to-go with the default XyQuest assignments (CU and


Stack has always worked.

Stack and U2 are totally separate. Zero connection. The _only_ purpose that
U2 serves in the context of Stack installation is that it provides a mechanism
(LOADHELP), useful under Xy4-DOS only, for modifying, SAving, and then
reloading a LOADed Help file, in this case DLG -- an operation which is
normally disallowed by Xy4-DOS. Since you downloaded the canned DLG that
already has the latest version of Stack installed, you don't even need that.
Just Quit XyWrite, swap the new DLG for the old one, and relaunch XyWrite.

Anyone who needs the latest Stack may download that file. _All_ of the
factory-built functionality of DLG is contained in that file, but Stack is
added, and other corrections/updates are incorporated.


Robert Holmgren