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Re: Is XW a dog?

  Another reason for me is that I really don't want to spend money on
windoz apps -- right now I actually own only 3 windoz apps: CorelDraw 3.0,
for which I paid a whole $50; Ventura Publisher 4.02, which cost me $25; and
Power Japanese, which was another $50. For awhile I was seriously trying to
rid myself of *all* windoz apps, even bought Warp for Windoz so I could run
it *without* windoz. I've sort of given up on that, since there are some
things like Power Japanese, Myst (oops, I forgot that -- another $25), etc.
that just aren't available in other formats, plus, as I said before, I now
have machinery that can push windoz fast enough to be tolerable.
  The other aspect, however, the pure butt ugliness of the windoz GUI, and
the fact that all those windoz apps seem to come with it -- I really don't
want to spend hours on end staring at it, which is what would happen if I
used a windoz word processor.
  So I'll have to think long and hard about putting out money for the new
XY, since it will undoubtedly have that annoying windoz look. Or maybe the
new WABI port to linux will enable me to give a Motif look to windoz apps,
which would be great. OTOH, given TTG's essential lack of familiarity with
the web and where things are going (as per K.'s statements about a "lukewarm
reception of Java" and VB becoming a web tool), maybe the new XY version
won't really meet my current or future needs anyway. Crisp and HotMetal
really are pretty hard to beat for webweaving already, and are native linux,
I can use XY4 just fine as is in linux, dos, and warp -- it would really be
nice if I could do it all with one app, not constantly getting confused by
hitting the wrong keys in the wrong app, but maybe I can come up with a
combination of keyboards in all three to make it pretty seamless.
  Where did Ken get that "lukewarm" bit about Java, anyway? He must only be
reading the MS house organs -- PC Magazine and PCWeek.

Harmon Seaver

"Some mon just deal wit' information. An' some mon, him deal wit' the
concept of truth. An' den some mon deal wit' magic. Information flow aroun'
ya, an' truth flow right at ya. But magic, it flow t'rough ya."
     -- Nernelly, A Jamaican "Bush Doctor," 1982

Copyright, Harmon F. Seaver, 1995. License to distribute this post is
available to Microsoft for US$1,000 per instance, or local equivalent.