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Re: OT question - Copernic Desktop Search

BrennerNY@xxxxxxxx wrote:
I can't say that XP never locates files by text within, but it fails to do so most of the time. And even when it does, it locates far fewer files than Win98 when searching the same directories for the same text.
She's right. I just booted in XP, did two searches, one for files
containing the word "genitive," one for those containing résumé
(with the accents, just to check High ASCII). It found SOME. But
then when I rebooted into 98SE and ran find with genitive in the
"containing text" box (and in neither case did I do Files Named
*.*), it found nearly a dozen more. Now some of them had
extensions of .xy, .xyt, and .xyw, so one might suspect that it
was refusing to look in files whose extensions weren't
"Registered" with Windows. But some were .wpd files (some of
which had been found in XP, but some not) and others .ps (which
surely should be known to Windows).
This was a clean and fairly new installation of XP HOME (which,
by the by, apparently won't let you install the English
International Keyboard as the default keyboard layout: the most
you can do it switch to it with a keyboard shortcut combination.
Grr!) So it's not likely to be bit-rot YET (as it definitely is
on the a BADLY compromised setup at the office, which I have to
reinstall shortly). And the search was done on the exact same
logical drive (Fat32, so visible to both installations).

Patricia M. Godfrey