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Re: Cleaning up cluttered files (was Re: macros)

I sent a note yesterday about cleaning up "cluttered" files, which for me
-- in this instance -- meant scanner output. Tony Gieske has asked "can you
put it all on one macro somehow?" I thought that would be clear, but here's
how I suppose it would work.

abbreviations: <...> = guillemets
        _.._ = function calls
        {...} = curly brackets
        [W], [S] and [L] = wildcards, respectively for "string",
                 "separator" and "letter"

Version 1 (strips out all strings between guillemets):
    _XP_ _TF_ _BC_cia /≪[W]≫//_XC_

Version 2 (for use if *mode* commands (i.e. italic, underline etc.) are to
remain valid in the final copy): I've put this on several lines for
clarity, but it should all be input in a single paragraph:
    _XP_ _TF_ _BC_cia /≪MD[S][L][L]≫/{MD[S][L][L]}/_XC_
    _BC_cia /≪[W]≫//_XC_
    _BC_cia /{/≪/_XC_
    _BC_cia /}/≫/_XC_

As far as I can tell, that's all there is to it.

Eric Van Tassel