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Re: Cleaning up cluttered files (was Re: macros)

Great, Eric, just what I've been looking for. But can you put it all on one
macro somehow?

At 01:17 PM 1/26/1999 -0500, you wrote:
>On 25-1-99, Rene von Rentzell wrote (in part)
≫... to clean up html files,
≫why not use a wildcard? Typing cia /// at the command line shouldd
≫get rid of most of the html tags, except for the very long ones. No?
>Yes. And it can be incorporated into a simple (but deadly if misused!)
>macro. When I put out my bimonthly parish magazine I use a scanner as a
>shortcut to input all sorts of District Council press releases etc., and
>they arrive in XyWrite cluttered beyond belief.
>(In the following examples, ≪...≫ = guillemets; {...} = curly brackets;
>[W], [S] and [L] = wildcards, respectively for "string", "separator" and
>I have two variants: one just strips out all strings between guillemets:
>    cia /≪[W]≫//
>The other -- used if I think scanned-in *mode* commands (i.e. italic,
>underline etc.) are going to remain valid in my final copy and so are worth
>saving -- first "immunizes" such commands:
>    cia /≪MD[S][L][L]≫/{MD[S][L][L]}/
>then strips out everything else:
>    cia /≪[W]≫//
>and then reinstates the mode commands:
>    cia /{/≪/
>    cia /}/≫/
>Eric Van Tassel
Tony G.